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Company name or company name: Mooders

Head office address: 39, rue Anatole Le Braz 44000 – Nantes

Telephone number and email address:

Legal form of the company: SAS

Amount of share capital: €10,000


Registration number in the trade and companies register: 808 019 731 RCS NANTES

Intracommunity VAT number FR 08808019731


Site hosting


2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France


Creation of the WordPress site and content

SARL BEAUCOUP with capital of €3,000

21, rue du Garet 69001 Lyon

Managers: Edwin CONTAT and Lucas MESA-GOUIFFES

Registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register B 90293983400013 under number 83400013

Siren: 902939834

Intracommunity VAT number FR 36902939834

Email address:

Publication director:


Privacy Policy

Our website address is:


1 – Preamble

1.1 Purpose of the privacy policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to specify the use of personal data collected and processed from the website, accessible in particular at the address (hereinafter referred to as “the Website” ) that the company Mooders (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) makes available to Internet users (hereinafter referred to as the “Users”).

1.2 identification of the publisher

The user is informed that the Website is published by the company Tadam:

Company name or company name: Mooders

Head office address: 39, rue Anatole Le Braz 44000 Nantes

Telephone number and email address:

Legal form of the company: SAS

Amount of share capital: €10,000

For any information, you can contact us by post at the address above or by email:


2 – Definitions

“Personal Data”: means personal data as defined in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to processing personal data and the free movement of these data (hereinafter referred to as “General Data Protection Regulations” or “GDPR“) which are provided by the User to the Company or which are collected by the Company the occasion of using the Website, the Application and/or the services

“Site” or “Website”: designates the interactive electronic service published and operated by the Company, accessible in particular at the address, from which it allows access to its products and services

The “Company”: refers to

“Processing”: means any operation or set of operations carried out or not using automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of data.

“User”: designates any natural person who accesses the Website for strictly private use. undertakes to strictly comply with the legislation in force concerning respect for the privacy of users of its Website and maintains, in accordance with the legislation in force, an up-to-date register of the processing implemented as well as the completion of formalities relating to the collection and processing of personal data under this website.


3 – Processing and personal data

3.1 Data controller

The person responsible for processing user data processed by the company publishing the site (see article 1.2).


3.2 Nature of the user’s personal data collected by the company

Among the Data that the Company collects from the User or their terminal may include:

his first and last name,

his postal address

his electronic mail address (email),

his telephone number,

information relating to its navigation and its interactions with the services, the Application and/or the Website (search history, forms, cookies, etc.),

The Company collects information provided by Users in particular:

when entering and sending contact request forms,

when browsing the Website (page consultation, searches, sharing articles, etc.).


3.3 Legal basis for processing

In application of article 6.1 of the General Data Protection Regulations, the User is informed that the various processing of his Data mentioned below is necessary (i) for the execution and provision of the services offered by the Company and as well as the legitimate interests pursued by the Company in improving its services and understanding Users’ expectations, notably allowing the protection of the User’s rights and Data.


3.4 Purpose of processing

User Data processed by the Company is used for the following purposes:

to provide them with the services available through the Website,

to respond to their requests, by mail, email, text message, telephone call,

to send them by mail, electronic mail or SMS, by email and/or SMS, various information on the evolution of the Website, on the commercial and service offerings of the company, and the different sections of said Website (programs real estate published on the Website by the Company, newsletters, alerts, etc.),

to conduct satisfaction surveys and studies,

to better understand their needs and simplify their navigations and/or to analyze or predict elements concerning them such as their personal preferences, interests, reliability, and their behaviors,

to establish general statistics on the traffic of its Website and the various sections it contains.


3.5 Recipients of the user’s personal data

The Data may be communicated, in compliance with the laws applicable to the Company, for one or more of the purposes described in paragraph 3.4d, to the persons listed below:

to authorized and authorized personnel of the Company who may be required to process the Data,

  • to the Company’s service providers and subcontractors responsible for carrying out processing relating to the purposes described,
  • to administrative or judicial authorities authorized by French law


3.6 Duration of retention of the user’s personal data

Personal data may be kept for a period not exceeding 3 years from the last contact with the Company.


3.7 User’s rights of access, rectification and deletion

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2018, the User has at any time, for legitimate reasons, a right of access, opposition, rectification and portability of data which concern you.

These rights are exercised either by email to: or by post to MOODERS SAS – 39, rue Anatole Le Braz – 44000 Nantes accompanied by a copy of an identity document.

The User can also send a complaint to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS Cedex 07.


4 – Security and archiving of the user’s personal data

The Company collects and processes Data with the greatest confidentiality and security, and in compliance with the laws applicable to the Company.

The Company undertakes to take all reasonable measures necessary to secure and protect the Data of Users of its Website and its services, collected and processed by itself, in particular: firewalls, physical access controls to hosting locations, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, Management of computer access to authorized persons, computer backup, Username/password.


5 – Resolution of disputes regarding data processing

The Company collects and processes Data with the greatest confidentiality and security, and in compliance with the laws applicable to the Company.

The Company undertakes to take all reasonable measures necessary to secure and protect the Data of Users of its Website and its services, collected and processed by it (in particular firewalls, physical access controls to hosting locations, authorizations, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, management of computer access to authorized persons, computer backup, username/password)


6 – Newsletter, emailing and alerts

In order to keep the User informed of news from the Company and the advantages from which they could benefit, they may receive commercial information from the Company by electronic communication (see paragraph 3.5). If the User does not wish to receive offers and information from the Company, he or she may object to the sendings by specifying this, at any time, for emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication. electronic mail received, for SMS, by sending Stop SMS to the number indicated in the SMS received.


7 – Cookies

The Company uses cookies on its Website. At no time do these cookies allow the Company to personally identify the User. The User is informed that he has the right to oppose the recording of these cookies by configuring his Internet browser.

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small text file sent to your receiving terminal (in particular computer, tablet, smartphone) via the website or application consulted. This file is stored in a part of your hard drive specifically designated for cookies. Thanks to these cookies, information is collected about your visit. It allows the website consulted to collect certain information concerning the User’s navigation in order to improve their visit as well as the functionalities of the Site.

Session cookies disappear when the User leaves the Site while permanent cookies remain on the User’s terminal until the User deletes them or, where applicable, until their end of life. .

Cookie settings are made using your internet browser.

These cookies can be placed by different issuers, namely by the webmaster of the site or by a third party company.

Access or use of all or part of the services implies acceptance without restriction or reservations of these different technologies by the User.

The Company uses the following Cookies/applications:

Session cookies which record information during your navigation on the Site. These expire when you close your internet browser.

“WordPress” functionality cookies allowing you to personalize and improve your navigation on the Site. The data collected is kept for one year.

Statistical analysis cookies (Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager): internet audience analysis tools allowing the Company to better understand the behavior of users of the site. The cookies used make it possible to collect information and generate reports on usage statistics for our website without individual users being personally identified by Google Analytics. The shelf life of these cookies is 14 months.

For more information about Google Analytics, see:

– Google Analytics Privacy and Security Principles

To opt out of Google Analytics:

– The browser add-on for opting out of Google Analytics

Cookie-Agreed: This cookie allows you to generate the special cookie warning banner and save your choices regarding cookie consent. The retention period of these cookies is 13 months from the date of user consent.

Third Party Cookies: By visiting our website, the following Third Party Cookies may be installed by the server of a domain separate from our site:

  • Facebook: to share the content of the website on social networks
  • Linkedin: to share the content of the website on social networks
  • Javascript: to ensure the proper functioning of the site’s applications.

7.1 User choice regarding cookies

Several possibilities are offered to the User to manage cookies. Any settings may modify navigation on the Company’s Site as well as the conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

7.1.1 Cookie management

Your browser’s help menu will let you know how to express or modify your cookie preferences:

For Internet Explorer:

For Firefox:

For Safari:

For Google Chrome:

For Opera™:

To the extent that the terminal is likely to view content developed with Flash language, the User can access Flash cookie management tools, directly from html

Find out more about cookies:

You can always reconsider your choice and configure, delete or block all or part of the cookies present on the site by following the following configuration instructions:

If you use the Google Chrome browser:

To configure cookies:

Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar.

Select Settings.

Click Show advanced settings.

In the “Privacy” section, click the Content Settings button.

In the “Cookies” section, you can modify the following settings:

Block cookies by default

Allow cookies by default

Keep cookies and site data default until you close the browser

Set exceptions for cookies from certain websites or domains

To delete cookies:

Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar.

Select Settings.

Click Show advanced settings.

In the “Privacy” section, click the Content Settings button.

In the “Cookies” section you can delete cookies:

Click Cookies and Site Data to open the “Cookies and Site Data” dialog box.

To delete all cookies, click “Delete all”

To delete a specific cookie, select the site that created the cookie, then click on the cross.

For more information, we invite Users to consult the following page:

If you are using the Internet Explorer browser:

To configure cookies:

Click the Browser Tools button, then click Internet Options.

Click the Privacy tab, drag the slider to the privacy level you want, and then click OK.

Internet Explorer provides a description of the types of cookies that are blocked or allowed at this privacy level.

Blocking cookies may prevent certain web pages from functioning properly.

For more information, we invite Users to consult the following page:

To delete cookies:

Once Internet Explorer is open, click the Tools button, then click Delete Browsing History.

Select the Cookies and website data check box, then click Remove.

If you use the Firefox browser:

To configure cookies:

Once Firefox is open, click the Tools button, then Options.

In the Privacy tab, pull down the Retention Rules menu and select Use custom settings for history.

Check the Accept cookies box to enable cookies and uncheck it to disable them.

Choose the retention period of cookies:

Keep them until: their expiration: Each cookie will be deleted when it has reached its expiration date which is determined by the site that sends the cookie.

Keep them until: you close Firefox: Cookies that are stored on your computer will be deleted when you close Firefox.

Keep them until: Ask me every time: Displays an alert every time a website tries to send a cookie to ask for your permission.

For more information, we invite Users to consult the following page:

To delete cookies:

Once Firefox is open, click the Tools button, then Options.

In the Privacy tab, click Clear your recent history, check the Cookies box, then click Clear now.

If you use the Safari browser:

To configure cookies:

Launch your Safari browser. Click the Safari menu, then select Preferences.

In the Preferences window, select the Security tab.

In the Accept cookies area, check the box corresponding to the cookie settings you want.

To delete cookies:

Click the Safari menu then select Reset Safari.

In the new window that appears, check the Delete all cookies box.

Click the Reset button to apply information erasure.


8 – Intellectual property

The presentation and content of the site, including, without limitation, the name and logos of, images, databases, products and slogans, constitute together or separately a work protected by the current intellectual property laws.

No reproduction and/or representation, partial or complete, by any means, on any medium and in any form whatsoever, of these elements may be made without the prior written consent of

Copying the content of the site for private use is authorized provided that is indicated as the source of this copy.

Furthermore, in accordance with articles L. 341-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code, any extraction by any means and in any form whatsoever or reuse, by making it available to the public, of a substantial part of any database accessible on the site is prohibited. Likewise, the repeated and systematic extraction or reuse of qualitatively or quantitatively non-substantial parts of the content of a database accessible on the site is prohibited, when these operations clearly exceed the conditions of normal use of this database. .